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shanechan517's Achievements

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Advanced Member (3/6)



  1. Thanks guys. Hope you will all get your PR granted soon if you haven't. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Form 80 was not a mandatory thing in the past and DIBP didn't have it in the application checklist. But they recently updated their checklist and it is in the list now. And it doesn't say it is only required for people from high risk country. For each person included in the application who is 16 years of age or older: Form 80 - Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment (373 kB pdf). Please check DIBP website.
  3. Congrats! Could you please add yourself into the spreadsheet? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BcNOlnXc0F2QgYweRiQUYgH8LOgdmSEn-9rkxTkIlBk/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=106844240 It's easy for everyone to track the processing timeline. Regards, Shane
  4. According to the records in the spreadsheet, you will definitely be the next one to get some good news from DIBP.
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